Author Archive for Leslie Fishlock
Leslie, AKA Geek Girl #1, is a sardonic, disruptive rabble-rouser, CEO of Genevate, Founder of Geek Girl Camp, StockTwitress, lover of capitalism, open source code, social media, martinis, puppies, military hardware and stainless steel kitchen appliances. Leslie writes on mostly on news with Geek Girl Camp and Social Media. She has been seen lately sporting pink hair. And clutching her iPad as if it were a bottle of Grey Goose vodka.
The 10 Types of Facebook Friends From High School
Okay, which one are you?
by Class Finders
Geek Girl – San Diego July Meetup!
Geek Girl – San Diego
Our Mission: to educate and empower every girl and woman at every age level, on every skill level, at every income level on computer technology with fun and provide a legacy by giving back…
Class Of 2011: If Social Media Were a High School {Infographic}
Very funny and very exact, IMHO. What do you think?
Flowtown – Social Media Marketing Application

Wanted: San Diego Geek Girls
Do you love the ocean?
Long walks on the beach?
69 degree average temperature year round?
Fish tacos and Stone IPA?
Then you MUST be a San Diego Geek Girl! And…

Sparrow: Bringing FUN back to your email!
I simply love Sparrow Mail – the new Mail for Macs! And the first social email client. Just updated my latest 1.1 version on my iMac and MacBook Air and even used the Facebook…
Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Women in Business {infographic}
The good news is: We’ve come a long way. Baby.
The bad news is: For every $100 a male makes a women only makes $80.
From: MBA Online Program

What should you expect when attending a Geek Girl Camp Boot Camp?
Register Online – We will be accepting payment online and at the door the day of Boot Camp – unless the event is sold out. All payments online are on a safe, secure and encrypted…

Top 10 List for Getting the Most out of Boot Camp This Week
10.) Don’t be Overwhelmed; the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time!
9.) Obey the Law of Two Feet; If you’re not learning what you want to learn, you have every right to exit the…

So, I can Donate a Laptop for a Worthy Cause AND Eat popchips™ AND Win an iPad?
Contest open to all attendees of Boot Camp Cape Cod 2011! So, get registered!
popchips™ is supplying bites for your bytes at Geek Girl Boot Camp on Cape Cod March 19th!
popchips is…

Keynote for Geek Girl Boot Camp Cape Cod 2011 Announced!
Geek Girl Camp is proud to announce that Ellen M. Brezniak, the Senior Vice President of Product Strategy at Constant Contact®, will be our morning Keynote Speaker at Boot Camp on March 19th on Cape Cod!…

Top 10 Ways You Can Help at Geek Girl Boot Camp
Can’t come to Boot Camp this year because of distance, other plans, money tight or travel? No worries! We have many ways you can still be involved! Here are the Top 10 ways to help!
10.) Volunteer!…

Top 10 Reasons to go to Geek Girl Boot Camp…
Here are the Top 10 Reasons to go to Geek Girl Boot Camp on Saturday, March 19th from 8 am. to 6 p.m. at the Cape Cod Community College in West Barnstable:
10.) Not a Geek?…

Facebook Now Adds LGBT Relationship Status Options
To describe your relationship status on Facebook, we had the choices for so long of “Single, In a relationship, Engaged, Married, It’s complicated, In an open relationship, Widowed, Separated and Divorced”.

Not Getting Your Most Recent Facebook News Feeds?
When Facebook had their new updates, things got a little weird in the way your News Feeds were being streamed.
If you are having this issue, no worries.
It’s a simple fix.
To edit your general preference…