Updated 2-8-11 (Subject to Change)
Design, Photoshop and Graphic Imagery Series – 2/8/11
Straight from MacWorld! The Skinny on Great Design - BEG
Graphic design isn’t rocket science, but it sure can feel like it. In this session you’ll learn the four secrets to great graphic design to ensure your layouts always look their very best, no matter which program you use to create your masterpieces. Each design secret will be revealed, defined and then put into practice using a business card, flyer, and an ad. Even if you’re a seasoned graphic designer, the principles covered in this session will be an extremely useful refresher. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, as it will be taught in a computer lab.)
Straight from MacWorld Expo! Image Editing Bootcamp with Photoshop Elements - BEG
So you’ve got your photos into your computer, now what? In this class you’ll learn how to apply practical editing and enhancement techniques like a pro using the affordable and friendly Adobe Photoshop Elements. You’ll learn how to move throughout the program and switch between three editing modes to suit your specific skill level. Discover how to easily perform basic edits like cropping, color correction, red-eye and blemish zapping, and sharpening. Glean the secrets to creating gorgeous black and whites, partial color effects, creative edges, simple collages, and more! Last but not least, you’ll learn the trick to printing perfectly-sized borderless images. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, as it will be taught in a computer lab.)
Straight from Photoshop World! Photoshop CS4/CS5 Power- BEG/INT
Explore the various ways of fixing truly terrible color including how to use adjustment layers to fix photos safely. You’ll also learn how to easily lighten and darken any portion of your photo, master the art of zapping backgrounds using Photoshop CS5′s new Refine Edge enhancements, discover safer healing techniques for portraits, and harness the power of Smart Objects for adding fun embellishments to your photos and for running filters non-destructively. You’ll also pick up techniques for turning ordinary snapshots into beautiful pieces of art! (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, as it will be taught in a computer lab.)
The PC Proficiency Series – 2/8/11
PC’s 101, Understanding the Basics – BEG
A review all basic functions and components of a P.C. Starting from pushing the power button and ending with a demonstration of a computer and its components. Including what happens and what do you see during and once booted up. How to customize the look of your desktop and a review of the Control Panel functions. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop – this will be set in a computer lab.)
Becoming Proficient on my PC! - BEG/INT
Learn the basics of setting up and getting around on your computer, fast and easy. Including copy and paste concepts across applications with keystrokes as well as mouse clicks, shortcuts, data/file management. Customize your desktop to suit your needs. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop – this will be set in a computer lab.)
PC Maintenance and Troubleshooting a/k/a Be your own Techie! – INT
Basic tasks to ensure your PC is safe and to prevent problems. Oil and lube for your PC! A review of the tasks need to clean up and keep your machine running at it’s best. How to safely uninstall unused programs and toolbars. As well as troubleshoot basic problems with PC and peripherals, including tips for when you must call 1-800 for technical assistance. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop – this will be set in a computer lab.)
PC Protecting your Data, Computer and Identity in 2010 – INT
Backups: what, where, when and how. Class will review concepts and options for backing up your data. Anti-Virus: The good the bad and the free: choosing and implementing anti –virus and anti –malware. Passwords = how to keep a secret, methods for devising safe easy to remember passwords. Browser safety and safe browsing. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop – this will be set in a computer lab.)
The Apple Proficiency Series – 2/8/11
Mac Basics and Beyond – Intro and Getting Started with Applications – BEG
So you bought a Mac and want to know how to use it, or you have always wondered how a Mac works and what is the difference between PC and Mac. This workshop is perfect for you. It will cover the basics of a Mac, the difference between PC and Mac, some basic information to get started and provide you with a basic understanding of using a Mac. You will learn how to use: finder, system preferences, keyboard shortcuts, etc. We will also review the applications consistent with Mac’s iWork and focusing on Keynote, Pages, Numbers, iTunes and more. You will learn how to use: the iLife/iWork suite of apps. (Laptop not required, but you are welcome to bring your Mac laptop.)
There’s an App for That! iPhone and iPod Touch Apps for Personal and Business – BEG/INT
Learn about the top applications for the iPhone – for fun and business! From tracking your budget to tracking your diet, There’s an App for that! Find free and paid applications to help you get the most from your iPhone or iPod Touch. (Note: discussion and demonstration only; iPhone or iPod Touch not required for workshop, howevever if you own an iPhone or an iPod Touch, please bring either one of them for this workshop.)
Mac Advanced: Getting to the Core – INT/ADV
Now that you’re comfortable using your Mac computer, take your knowledge to the next level. Learn some basic maintenance tips and troubleshoot potential problems. Protect your data with a backup plan and learn how to recover files. You will learn about: maintenance, troubleshooting, Time Machine, etc. (Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Mac, or having taken the “Intro to your Mac – Getting Started” and the “Mac: Beyond the Basics – Applications and More” workshop. Laptop not required, but you are welcome to bring your Mac laptop.)
The Microsoft Office Suite Series – 2/8/11
Microsoft Office Suite – BEG
These hands-on workshops are for users of Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher, and Outlook 2007 who want to get a handle on this whole ribbon thing and just accomplish some basic day-to-day tasks. If you don’t feel all that comfortable in the core applications of Microsoft Office, this is the session for you. Did you really think that you were the only one whose Excel print-out includes pages and pages of that last… trailing… column… of… empty… cells??? In these hands-on sessions, we will look at creating and formatting a basic document/slide show/spreadsheet. So jot down your Personal PowerPoint Peccadilloes and Woeful Word Worries, and bring them along to share and conquer! (No laptops necessary, these sessions will take place in a computer lab.)
Word – 1 Hour
Excel – 1 Hour
Powerpoint – 1 Hour
The Organizational Tools Series – 2/8/11
Getting Started with Constant Contact – BEG
In this live demonstration you will learn how to quickly and easily get started with email marketing using Constant Contact. Topics covered include account set up, choosing and modifying an email template, uploading your list, adding a sign-up box to your website, and branding with your logo and colors. A great workshop for new users looking to get a jump start on your email marketing efforts with Constant Contact.
The Power of Email Marketing – INT
Did you know that repeat customers, clients and members spend on average 67% more than new ones? Building strong relationships with them is vital to growing your business. Reach the people who matter most to your organization with professional email communications that make you look great! If you’ve ever wondered what email marketing is and how it can help your organization, this seminar is for you. We will cover the basics of email marketing, why it works so well, and how to use it in your business planning and strategy to achieve specific goals. You can master email communications with this comprehensive look at winning strategies for getting and keeping quality subscribers, creating appropriate content, and increasing email deliverability and interaction to build business and drive sales. Let the power of email marketing grow your organization to new heights!
The Google Proficiency Series
Google Apps, Part 1: iGoogle – Do You? – BEG
If you’re like most people, you use Google’s products several times a day to search for information or check email. Most people don’t know, however, how many useful tools Google has to make research and time management much easier. This workshop is designed to showcase a few of the products Google offers that may be worth trying for personal and business use. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, but you are welcome to bring one.)
Google Apps, Part 2: Now that You Google, Let’s Measure it! BEG/INT
Now that you have a basic understanding of Google we are now going to tackle some of the other wonderful applications Google offers, such as Advanced Search, Google Maps, Google Analytics and other tools Google uses to measure just how well websites measure up. Prerequisite: Basic understanding of Google or having taken the workshop “Google Apps, Part 1: iGoogle – Do You?” (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, but you are welcome to bring one.)
“So you Want to Build a Website?” Series
Introducing WordPress and the Dashboard - BEG/INT
The hub of activity for your WordPress blog/site starts at the Dashboard. Understand the difference between posts and pages, create categories, add video and images, links, and best use of Tags. Learn to moderate comments and engage your visitor. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, but are welcome to bring one.)
WordPress Themes, Plugins and Widgets - INT/ADV
Not for the faint of heart, this workshop will explore the underbelly of WordPress and unleash the power of themes and plug-ins. Topics include: Backups, upgrades, plugin installations and changing themes. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, but are welcome to bring one.)
Jump Into jQuery! – INT/ADV
What is JQuery and how will it help my site? Learn how to take advantage of this Javascript library without having to learn a lot of code! From dynamic slideshows to slick navigation, or animated effects for your site, JQuery is a must-see for anyone creating or maintaining a website. Easy to implement, you can start adding JQuery effects to your site in just a few minutes! (Prerequisite: Some understanding of HTML and CSS; some experience with JavaScript helpful. You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, but are welcome to bring one.)
The Social Media Proficiency Series
Social Media Primer – BEG
Social media is not a fad, it is the way people communicate. Advertising no longer has the impact that a conversation on Facebook or Twitter has. Learn how social media as revolutionized how we communicate and what it means for you and your business. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop.)
The Power of Facebook for Your Business – BEG
Facebook is one of the largest networks on earth. With over x active users, Facebook is a powerful tool to learn about customers and to share information about your expertise. This workshop covers the basics of how to use Facebook effectively to gain a following for your product or service. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop.)
The Power of LinkedIn for Your Business – BEG
LinkedIn is a powerful business networking tool that helps you to extend existing business relationships and expand your network. This workshop will cover creating an effective profile, building your network of connections, growing your reputation and using groups. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop.)
Social Media Tools for NFP’s (Non-profits) – BEG
You’ve set up your Twitter account, updated your LinkedIn profile, and created a Facebook Page for your organization – Now What? This workshop will focus on integrating all the social media tools to enhance your event marketing and campaign appeals. Topics covered are applications to streamline overall communications, setting up donation accounts for Twitter and Facebook, and engaging your audience. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, but you are welcome to bring one.)
Twitter for Business – BEG/INT
With over 7 million users, twitter provides a wealth of opportunities to find and share information. This workshop will cover why twitter is important, how to create an account and how use it to promote your business. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, but you are welcome to bring one.)
YouTube for Business - BEG/INT
YouTube, now owned by Google, is the second largest search engine on the web. With video becoming easier and cheaper to produce, businesses are successfully using YouTube and a key marketing tool. Learn how to create, post and share video for your business. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, but you are welcome to bring one.)
Social Media Time Management – INT/ADV
One of the biggest concerns with business is time. “How much time to I have to spend doing it?”. Social Media is no exception since we don’t have the hands that Ford or Comcast dedicate to managing their social media properties. So how can you make the most of your time and see some progress? In this workshop we will explore time management to successfully get involved in your community and be apart of the conversation.(Prerequisite: Beginner Social Media. You do not need to have a computer for this workshop)
Apps, Apps, and more Apps – INT/ADV
Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn aren’t the only game in town when it comes to web applications. There are thousands of web apps ranging from Social Media apps, apps for Business (DropBox, EverNote), apps for Money (Mint), and apps for just about everything else. If you are interested in exploring all the new apps out there, and perhaps finding some that will work in your particular industry, then this is the workshop for you. (Prerequisite: Social Media Primer. You do not need to have a computer for this workshop)
So you want to be an Entrepreneur? What you need to know in a Web 2.0 World to get Started – INT/ADV
Everyone wants to be an Entrepreneur! And who can blame anyone for creating their own destiny? Have you ever noticed how some entrepreneurs are happy all the time, organized and full of passion, while others complain how badly things are all the time? A lot of this could be from lack of resources, lack of organization, and lack of web 2.0 computer, technical, Internet and marketing skills. This workshop is dedicated to the entrepreneur who has the passion, but needs a plan, is willing to take the initiative and learn some great online resources for helping to streamline their business. (Prerequisite: Social Media Primer. You do not need to have a computer for this workshop.)
Using Geo-Location Social Media Apps to Create Buzz for your Main Street Brick and Mortar – INT/ADV
2009 was the top year for Twitter. 2010 is the year of “Location”. Social Media Web applications are not just letting you know “What you are doing”; they now want to know where you are doing it. Combining real-time status updates with GPS, Geo-Location, or Location apps, will be the hottest thing for Main Street businesses to engage in to get people in your door. Find out how to use location applications such as FourSquare, Gowalla and Yelp!, create a plan to engage your audience, get people to talk about you, have fun, and keep engaged in your community. (Prerequisite: Social Media Primer. You do not need to have a computer for this workshop.)
For the Busy Geek Girl: Creating a Social Media Strategy Plan with Tips and Strategies for saving time – INT/ADV
Social Media fails those who have no plan to follow. Do you have a plan? This workshop will take you through the steps of creating a Social Media Strategy Plan from understanding what “community”, collaboration and engagement are, being transparent, listening, being the resource, selecting the right channels and defining goals. It will also introduce you to strategies, methods and tips to get more out of the little time you have every day on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other apps, with some great, free tools and changing your thinking to being more productive. (Prerequisite: Social Media Primer. You do not need to have a computer for this workshop.)
The QuickBooks Proficiency Series – 2/8/11
Intro to QuickBooks – BEG
Learn how to manage essential financial tasks using Simple Start or QuickBooks Pro in a live computer lab with a practice company. Accounting 101, what is the Chart of Accounts, how to write an Income Statement, Balance Sheet. See how QuickBooks can make managing your business easier. (You do not need a computer or QuickBooks software on your laptop for this class. All QuickBooks workshops are taught in a computer lab with the software on the PC.)
Top 10 Errors QuickBooks Users Make – and How to Fix Them -BEG/INT
See common errors QuickBooks users make and learn how to avoid them, or easily correct them. Followed with Q&A. (You do not need a computer or QuickBooks software on your laptop for this class. All QuickBooks workshops are taught in a computer lab with the software on the PC.)
Intermediate QuickBooks – INT
Anyone who has taken the basic class, or if you have an understanding of QuickBooks should take this class. A hands-on lesson practicing how to create, modify and benefit from the many Reports QuickBooks offers for analyzing your financial data. (You do not need a computer or QuickBooks software on your laptop for this class. All QuickBooks workshops are taught in a computer lab with the software on the PC.)
Introduction to QuickBooks Point of Sale – Retail Management Software – INT/ADV
See Point of Sale in action and learn how it can help make you a more successful retailer. Attendees can take home a free demo CD. (You do not need a computer or QuickBooks software on your laptop for this class. All QuickBooks workshops are taught in a computer lab with the software on the PC.)
The Blogging Proficiency Series – 2/8/11
The ABC’s of Blogs – BEG
There are so many parts to a blog – and they all work together to make your internet space a success. So, if these words sound like Chinese: headers, tags, categories, widgets, plugins, links and more – then this workshop is for you! We’ll define them and discover how to use them on your blog. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, but you are welcome to bring one.)
Your Voice: Blogging About What Matters – BEG
Now that you’re blog is set-up to publish your precious thoughts, do you know what you want to say? You can pitch and sell all you want, but if the conversation doesn’t sound good, no one will listen. Knowing what you want to say and learning how to say it in YOUR voice is an important part of blogging and building a brand around you and your work. Find out just how to connect your voice with your blog and the audience you seek.
Blogging for Business (without sounding like a used car salesman) – BEG/INT
How can a blog help your business authentically? We’ll explore ways to use a blog to build a subscriber list, create and grow real client relationships, sell products and services, advertise, promote yourself, connect with other business partners and establish yourself as an expert in your field. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, but you are welcome to bring one.)
Blog writing. Yes! It is different than other writing! - BEG/INT
his workshop will cover voice, audience, purpose, strategy, content, length and formatting for blog writing. We’ll explore the ins and outs of different kinds of blogs – depending on who’s in the workshop. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, but you are welcome to bring one.)
The importance of using Social Media to drive traffic to your Blog – INT
First you needed a website, then a blog, now you’ve also got to be active in social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter)…find out what the buzz is all about and how it will help your business. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, but you are welcome to bring one.)
Blogging and Social Media Strategy – INT/ADV
Great! You have your blog and all of your social media networking profiles are live…but now what? Everyone needs a strategy. This workshop will cover the basics including: editorial calendars, topic lists, networking with other bloggers, interactive promotions/events, and listening tools. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, but you are welcome to bring one.)
Blog Networking: Connecting with other bloggers to build your business – INT/ADV
Here’s the thing about blogging (and social media in general): You can’t do it alone. It’s all about word of mouth. And blog readers love and listen to their bloggers – so when their blogger tells them to read this book or use this face cream or work with that realtor, their readers hop to! This workshop will talk about how you can build relationships with key bloggers that have the ear of your key demographic and why you need to do it. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, but you are welcome to bring one.)
The Video and Podcasting Series
Video Basics – BEG
Basic info on camera, audio, minimum editing equipment, what to look for in a camera, what are the important features. Video basics: framing & basic composition. Length of video, timing, editing basics. (You do not need to have a computer or video camera for this workshop, but you are welcome to bring one.)
Podcasting for Beginners – BEG
Have you ever listened to a podcast? Do you even know what a podcast is? If you’ve ever wondered about podcasting, then this session is for you. Get the scoop on what a podcast really is, who listens to them, how you can make one yourself, and how to get folks to listen to it once you do. Learn all the do’s and don’ts of podcasting throughout the day. (You do not need to have a computer for this workshop, but you are welcome to bring one.)
MORE WORKSHOPS COMING DAILY!!! Check back every day for updates.