Friends don’t let friends use IE6…

// May 14th, 2009 // News


Are you using Internet Explorer 6 as a Browser for your Internet searches?

Then repeat after me:

I (state your name) have a problem. I need help. I am powerless to this faulty browser and need an intervention ASAP.

Okay now then. Admitting you have a problem is the first step. Now we can make the Internet a better place by replacing your browser with Firefox or another browser.

I can hear some of you say, “Well, why?”

Yes, grasshopper, I shall tell you and then you too will abandon this albatross around the necks of web developers and websites everywhere and we can all live in a better world.

IE6 is dead. RIP IE6.

IE6 has been the bane of web designers and developers since, well since IE6 was built. Based on the fact that: 1.) there are 2 more recent versions of Internet Explorer available for everyone; and 2.) there are more choices for web browsers out there besides IE, the web community is sounding the death knell and writing the obituary as we speak; and 3.) it is not standards compliant and doesn’t follow the CSS and HTML specifications; these are all reasons why you DO NOT have to use IE6 ANYMORE! Rejoice!

If you are neither a web designer or developer, then we should perhaps probably back up and talk about why you should be upgrading your browsers anyway.

Why Upgrade my Browser?

1.) Newer versions are more secure. As new viruses and phishing tactics arise, developers must find ways to fix any disruptions created by hackers and sometimes just security leaks occur. These fixes are contained within updates or can even be featured in an upgrade of a newer browser. It is absolutely necessary and urgent that you upgrade your browser whenever there is an update.So, if you don’t want to be vulnerable to attacks, upgrade!

2.) Newer versions are much faster. Browser speed is almost always enhanced with updates. Technology gets better and loading time is faster.

3.) Newer versions have more bells and whistles. Updates will usually have lots of new features and benefits included in the push. Such as tabs, search bars, and RSS. Always a good thing.

4.) Newer versions are Standards Compliant. Well. Except most any Microsoft browser. BUT, Internet Explorer 8 is getting better. Standards Compliancy is so important in browsers. When web designers use standards to design sites, they are following all the web standards set forth by the W3C, the main global organizing body to ensure compliancy. So when web designers design with standards, and they are on a compliant browser, the styles are true to form. If the design is curved, then it will be curved. Non-compliant or out of date browsers can change the entire styles as they were intended.

5.) Newer versions provide websites to be seen as they were designed. Web designers spend a lot of thought, time, creativity and expertise designing for the web. Their work should be displayed in its true form. Updating your browser will provide you with an incredible web experience as the designer has intended.

What Browser Should I be Using?

There are many to choose from so it is basically your decision, however I do believe in Firefox as it is the most compliant browser with incredible extensions you can use for richer Internet experience. I do love Safari as well. Internet Explorer has always reigned supreme as the #1 browser, but it losing tremendous marketshare, a lot to do with its ability to deal with viruses and worms and the continuous releases of patches to cover them all.

Here is a chart to show browser viewing in the past couple of years. It shows a tremendous leap with Firefox and a big drop (not enough though!) of IE6.picture-31

Here are the most current browsers and the versions you should be on. If not, get your browser updates ASAP. (These are NOT new releases in “beta” – they are the stable versions.

1.) Internet Explorer 8 - Microsoft’s version of the browser for Windows. Much better than IE7, infinitely better than IE6, but still no cigar. IE8 will hopefully address lingering issues. Like all of them.

2.) Firefox  Version 3.0.10 – Built by the Mozilla community and the best cross platform browser. Also, most definitely the most exciting browser with their add-ons or extensions.

3.) Safari  Version 3.2.3 - Safari is a browser that Apple built to go with their sweet of OS offerings, but is also offered for Windows. Version 4 is in Beta and will be out soon. Very excited about the cool new things.

4.) Opera Version 9.6 – Opera is another cross platform free browser like Firefox.

5.) Google Chrome - This is only available for Windows Vista/XP SP2at this time and not Mac. Poo.

In closing, I hope I have been able to convince the rest of you malingers to tighten up your updates and get on the bandwagon. Web designers and developers spend a lot of time in creating original concepts based upon the latest of technology and using web standards for a more magnificent web experience. Let’s take the initiative and update our own computers to see the best that they offer. They will be so happy. ;-)

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