RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "educational scholarships"

Who’s Coming to Boot Camp Southeast Mass? Tickets on Sale Now!

Who’s Coming to Boot Camp Southeast Mass? Tickets on Sale Now!

POSTPONED – will have new date soon!
Who’s coming to Boot Camp Southeast Mass 2010?
Registration is now open for Boot Camp on May 22nd at Bristol Community College in Fall River, MA, from 8am-6pm.
If you…

Meet the Educational Scholarship Partner for Boot Camp Cape Cod, ABWA Cape Cod

Meet the Educational Scholarship Partner for Boot Camp Cape Cod, ABWA Cape Cod

At each Boot Camp, we partner with a local women’s group in that region to not only assist us in running the Boot Camp, but because of their involvement, we try to donate a portion of the…

How you can “Pay it Forward” with Geek Girl Camp…

How you can “Pay it Forward” with Geek Girl Camp…

I was just contacted by someone who asked me “well, how can I get involved paying it forward to Geek Girl Camp?”
Good question! Well, here are eight good ones for now:
1.) Donating laptops: Geek…