Posts Tagged ‘registration’

Geek Girl Camp Registration is Almost Sold Out!

Tuesday, March 18th, 2008

Are you registered yet for the April 17th event?  We are getting close to selling out so if you want to come, go to the registration page and sign up!

We are currently at 90 ladies and we do expect to be sold out.

If you cannot go on the 17th, then make sure you leave your name and email  for our special emails detailing more events and locations. When we announce an event, you will be notified by email first and then can come to the site to signup!

We have just redesigned this site with a blog and forum to cover all the bases; questions, comments and suggestions can all be posted for everyone to see.  Moderators will be answering any forum questions, so keep coming back to the site, bookmark as a resource and use it - it’s here for you to use!

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