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Technology doesn't have to be difficult. We make it easy.
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Looking for a Geek Girl to speak at your next event? We have world class speakers on various subjects from understanding technology, becoming more organized and efficient in a digital world, safety & security, your digital footprint and personal branding, challenges for women in tech and specific technologies expertly explained. And we bring more cowbell...
Do you or your company need assistance in technology training? Whether you want us to create an internal full-day Boot Camp for your company, or perhaps an hour of training for your staff, we will focus the session on your group's experience and work on a strategy for everyone to shine and incorporate new vital skills to their jobs.
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Are you looking for an organization to partner with that has for 8 years educated thousands of attendees with important career skills and given back to the community? Consider sponsoring one of our events and partnering with one of the oldest and most respected organizations for empowering women and girls in tech.
Media Sponsor
Looking for the right media partner to help you with your next event? If your event is geared to technology, education, STEM or STEAM, women and diversity, then we want to help you be a success! We offer various plans for promotion and marketing to get the word out so we all will succeed and grow.

Geek Girl by the Numbers
Tech Cons
Total Attendees
Geek Girls
“I brought my 9 year old son along and was afraid he might not enjoy himself as much as I had hoped. During the welcoming keynote, a young woman (going into 9th grade I believe), sat next to my son. They spent the rest of the day together going to different panels. It made it an awesome experience for him!”
Kimberly Grommes, Programmer -
“Geek Girl Tech Conference is a fantastic way to get out of your bubble, try new things and meet super people. I left tired, but energized with a new boost of confidence!”
Windee Freireich, WordPress Developer -
“Fun and informative weekend for geeks, gals AND gents.”
Jenny Rodriguez, IVOREEZ -
“Your mission to support women around technology is clear and I admire that you accomplish this in a big way. I really can't say enough about this wonderful day. I guess I really am a Geek Girl!”
Karen Ryan, WE CAN -
“I sing the praises of Geek Girl Conferences any chance I get. Each year, I learn so much for my business, and after a few years, I'm rewarded by "graduating" to more advanced classes, too.”
Suzanne Greene - Cape Kaleidoscopes -
“You are never too old to learn new skills!”
Nancy Foster