The Sessions

Here are the six sessions we will be having on April 17th.

Session 1: How Do I Manage My Computer?

How do I manage my computer? This session is about understanding computer basics, and managing day-to-day things like email, files and photo galleries - Windows or Mac.
June Bertucci

Session 2: Maintain Your First Website

How to create and maintain your first website. This session will explain how to get started, as well as the tools needed to create and maintain your very first website.
Paula Hersey

Session 3: Internet Marketing 101 - How to get traffic to your website

How to get local recognition online: Combining traditional media and the internet for success. This session is all about using the fabulous local options to advertise, market or get some press on your business, non-profit, blog or event.
Julie Brooks

Session 4: Photoshop for Fun and Business

How to use Photoshop for Fun and Business. This entry-level session is about using Photoshop for small projects like greeting cards, simple photo editing and more.
Janel Kesten

Session 5: Blog, or Not to Blog.

Blog, or Not to Blog… What is a Blog and Should I have one? Blogs aren’t just for teenagers anymore. The emergence of blogs in business, non-profits and consumer relations is huge. This session explains the basic information you’ll need to determine if you should be blogging.
Beth Dunn

Session 6: Exploring the Buzzwords Online

Exploring the Buzzwords Online; Social Networking, Web 2.0, and the FaceBook/LinkedIN/Twitter/Flickr Phenomenon. This session will explain the purpose and best practices of these online services.
Leslie Fishlock

Fill in the information below and we will email you on the next event.