What should you expect when attending a Geek Girl Camp seminar?


Register Online - You must register online here: http://www.geekgirlcamp.com. There’s a signup page for your local event. Please put your name and any organization you represent on the form, as well as what industry you work in and T-shirt size. Your name tag will reflect this information, so type carefully! We are sorry, but we do not accept payment at the door. All payments are online with our safe, secure and encrypted payment system - your credit card is safe!

No Refunds - Though there are no refunds, you may give your seat to someone if you are not able to attend at the last minute. You must contact us prior to the event, and give us the name of your replacement. It is also your responsibility to tell your replacement what they need to know so they are prepared and don’t miss out on all the opportunities.

Bring a laptop - Having your laptop makes it so much easier to follow along with everything the speaker is doing. We will have some laptops - both Mac and PCs - to rent out in the event you do not have one. There is no cost to rent a laptop, but you must leave your driver’s license with an event organizer as collateral.

Questions - Please post your questions to our online forum! We will try to incorporate all of your questions into our events. Anything we don’t get to live will appear on our blog and forum.

Be ready to participate - Come with your questions, as “dumb” as you may think they are (the only dumb questions are the questions not asked!). Chances are, other people in the room are probably thinking the same thing! We do ask that you not monopolize the speaker’s time give everyone a chance. There will be plenty of opportunities for asking questions after the event with the speaker of your choice, as well as asking questions on the Geek Girl Blog and Forums.

No Experts - You needn’t be a “tech whiz” to participate; as long as the question is not too specific, the speakers or someone else present will help you out. Feel free to contribute to the conversation during a session. This is a great way to participate, since it spreads knowledge from everyone, instead of just the speaker.

Come Early! - But not too early. Showing up at 5:30pm is perfect. However, if you come early, you will be drafted for schwag bag stuffing!

Don’t be late! - It’s disrespectful to the speakers and the other attendees, and will cause you to miss a lot of information you have paid for.

Sponsor the Event - Are you interested in being a sponsor? We have several sponsor price levels available. This is a great way for you to directly market your services to women. Sponsorships can include table displays of your products, schwag bag stuffers, an opportunity to address the attendees, promotions and giveaways, logo on Geek Girl Camp website and newsletters, mention in Geek Girl Camp press releases, and much more! If you are interested in sponsorship, please contact Leslie Fishlock.

The Event

When you arrive, go to the registration table to can claim your name tag (attached to your schwag bag!). Then you may enter the room where the event will be held. You’ll find a cash bar and appetizers, so make your rounds, meet some new people and have fun!

At exactly 5:45pm, we’ll explain how to access the wireless network. Shortly after, we’ll make pertinent announcements and announce special sponsor offers/gifts (and thanking the sponsors, of course). We will also be introducing the first speaker.

At 6:00pm , Session 1 will commence. The speaker will teach for 15 minutes, then answer questions for another 15 minutes. After the first 2 sessions are through, there will be a 10 minute break with passed hors d’oeuvres available. After the third and fourth speakers are through, there will be another 10 minute break and dessert will be available. Additionally, a cash bar will be open all night for cocktails, beer, wine, soda, water and coffee.

Between sessions, feel free to wander around and socialize as you eat. More announcements will be made, including details on future sessions.

After the final session is finished, please remember to take everything you were given, and throw away those things you no longer need. We urge you to go though all the items in schwag bag at your leisure at home that night or at work the next day. We rely on our sponsors for help in putting on these events at such low prices, so please give them the courtesy of getting to know them better by reviewing what they have dropped in your bag!

After the Event

Once you leave the event, you will be automatically signed up to receive Geek Girl Camp emails and we will periodically send you emails with new events, other offers, website updates and some educational information to explore on your own.

Your education does not stop there! Use the blog and the forums for help! Join the online community of Geek Girls and help each other!

Spread the word about the event to your mother, sister, daughter, sister-in-law, aunts, grandmothers, niece, etc. Email the website to your colleagues, your employees and your friends. The more interest in the events will allow us to put on more sessions.

Fill in the information below and we will email you on the next event.