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Google Awards Ada Lovelace the World’s First Computer Programmer with a Doodle

Anyone notice the Google doodle for Ada Lovelace today?

If you aren’t aware of Ada Lovelace, she is credited with being the first computer programmer. Not to mention the first female programmer.

‘The Enchantress of Numbers’, as Ada was called, partnered with Charles Babbage, know as the ‘Father of the Computer’ to create  applications for his modern computer.

Many people feel as though if she had not such a celebrity father – Lord Byron – she might have slipped into oblivion.

Babbage created the Analytical Engine, but history proves Ada Lovelace was able to understand it and devise its uses and applications for a super calculator. Thus earning her the right as ‘The Word’s First Computer Programmer’.

If you love Ada as much as we do, check out our tshirts: ‘Ada Lovelace – the Original Geek Girl’. Only $25!



  • Jozeane1

    Me da uma!!!!!!!