
Geek Girl Camp Speakers and Volunteers – Our Biggest Fans!

We’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, we couldn’t possibly have started or put on the last FIVE Boot camps, and many, many mini-conferences, seminars and one on one ‘tech sessions’, without the tremendous support of our Geek Girl Speakers and Volunteers.

They say, “If you build it…”, they will come (it’s he, but for our purposes I’m changing it haha).  Well, four years later, 2011 has been the topper, with over 500+ women taking the time out of their weekend and spending Saturday afternoon with Geek Girl Camp to become ‘inspired and empowered with technology’. There is nothing greater than paying it forward, something our Speakers and Volunteers are quite familiar with.

These everyday people that help ‘empower’ our attendees turn into Super Heroes when it comes to Boot Camp and use their free time (and some of us have none!) to help out in every way possible as the year is going on to promote and prepare. Then there is the week before, finalizing all the details for the day’s event. Lastly, THE DAY OF RECKONING, these speakers and volunteers arrive early and work NON-stop all day long, never having a minute to rest. Whether teaching or answering questions (while eating lunch), for over eight hours straight, they give all they can to make everyone feel important, educated and left wanting more. NO excuses for why you can’t live your life, constantly striving to be better and educating yourself with whatever means necessary.

So my hat goes off and sincerely thanks everyone involved!! :-) From time to time, I will be posting some featured articles on our very special Speakers and Volunteers. Please give them the praise they deserve and check them out.

  • Gcrowell

    I enjoyed the day very much and took alot of new useful information away with me. Thank you so much.