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Introducing…Elaine Batzer: MS Office Maestro and Harry Potter FanGirl

Who are you and what do you do?

Elaine Batzer, Geek Girl #13

Career & Tech Ed (Vocational) Instructor, Weymouth High School IT Shop


What will you be teaching at Geek Girl Conference this year?

MS Office, including Word, Excel & Powerpoint. There is always some file management that goes along with those as well.


What was your favorite part of the conference last year?

The Opening Ceremony, when I stood there taking in the hundreds of attendees, the amazing and cool presenters and trainers as they spoke about themselves, and experienced the intense positive energy in that room.


PC or Mac?

PC! Although we did get a Mac Mini this year in shop.


When did you first know you were geeky?

During my AutoCad days, getting a new large-format plotter was the coolest thing EVER!


Star Wars or Star Trek?

Not much of either. Does Harry Potter count for anything?


Choose 5 people from any moment of time to have dinner and drinks with. Who would they be and why?

Julia Child, Dolly Parton, Henry Rollins, Bruce Cockburn, and Alton Brown. It’s hard to describe but those are some of my favorite people.


Who do feel has had the most impact on technology in your time?

Besides the usual (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, etc.) it would be the consumers who drive development with their wallets. Microsoft Zune is a great example of this.


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Tell us something about you nobody knows….

I have a phobia of dropping my keys into a catch basin. Hey, it could happen!