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Introducing….Tammi Jacobsen: Social Media Marketeer and Jedi Knight

Who are you and what do you do?

First and foremost I am a dog owner. My wonderful dog Gracie has been my inspiration for a lot of who I am and what I do personally and professionally. I am a small business advisor and social media speaker for the Massachusetts Small Business Development Center Network and an educator at heart. I am caring and enthusiastic in helping others to learn and succeed. My mission is to experience life through love and teaching others.


What will you be teaching at the Geek Girl Conference this year?

Marketing Strategies Using Social Media and Facebook for the Businesses


What was your favorite part of the conference last year?

Hearing all the positive feedback from everyone who attended.


PC or Mac

An Apple a day keeps the doctor away! I treat myself to “Apples” (iPhone, iPad, iTouch & MacBook) everyday.


When did you first know you were geeky?

When I created a website dedicated to my dog Gracie!


Star Wars or Star Trek?

I’ve always wanted to be a Jedi


Choose 5 people from any moment of time to have dinner and drinks with. Who would they be and why?

1. Rosa Parks because her of courage on that famous bus ride.
2. Olympe de Gouges because she is one of the earliest feminists who demanded that French women be given the same rights as French men.
3. LouAnne Johnson (author & teacher) because she showed her students that their lives don’t have to revolve around the violence and poverty that they see everyday, and that they can do more than they ever thought possible if they only believe in themselves.
4. Martin Luther King so he could inspire me
5. Yoda because…well who wouldn’t want to eat dinner with Yoda!


Who do feel has had the most impact on technology in your time?

The Jetsons living in their futuristic utopia in 2062!

Facebook or Twitter?

Definitely Twitter.

Tell us something about you nobody knows….

I used to drive a motorcycle…..