
Introducing: Lindsay Lindstrom…Microsoft Developer and Triplet

Who are you and what do you do?

Lindsay Lindstrom.  I work for Microsoft as an Academic Developer Evangelist, which means I get to work with students and faculty/teachers on using Microsoft technology as a means to reach their tech goals.  I usually say I get to talk to nerdy people about nerdy things, it’s the best job ever!


What will you be teaching at the Geek Girl Tech Conference this year?

I am so excited to participate in the Geek Girl Tech Conference this year!  I’ll be leading a couple of workshops on Small Basic and Game Development with XNA.  I’m also thankful to have the opportunity to kick of the conference as the morning keynote speaker.  Yikes, no pressure!


What was your favorite part of the conference last year?

This is my first year at Geek Girl Tech Conf!  I’m definitely looking forward to meeting people and hearing their stories.  I know that I will leave Cape Code inspired and encouraged!


PC or Mac?

As you probably expect, PC.  The Apple Macintosh II was the first computer I ever used, though!  My philosophy is use whatever tool you like or need to get the job done.  I love technology, so whether it’s PC or Mac, I say use what works for you.  For me, that’s a PC.


When did you first know you were geeky?

In 1996, I was 13, and my parents didn’t know what to do with me and my sisters during our summer break, so they put us in a week-long “Learn about the Internet” class at the local library taught by the first local Internet Services Provider.  I created my first email address on Hotmail (before it was owned by Microsoft) and my first website on Geocities.  And so it began…


Star Wars or Star Trek?

I was definitely a Star Trek: The Next Generation fan as a child.  But I like both!


Choose 5 people from any moment of time to have dinner and drinks with. Who would they be and why?

Jesus – regardless of your beliefs, definitely impacted many facets of society today.

Grace Hopper – Rear Admiral in the Navy, pioneer of Computer Science.  A strong, intelligent, funny woman who paved the way for all of us!  Watch her interview with David Letterman:

Leonardo Da Vinci – Artist, Scientist and Inventor.  Just to bask in his genius.

Sir Winston Churchill – won the Nobel Prize for Literature “for his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values”.
Princess Diana – she’s a princess!  She remained humble and used her influence to help others.


Who do feel has had the most impact on technology in your time?

One obvious answer is Bill Gates.  His vision of a PC in every home has pretty much come true in such a short time since Microsoft was founded in 1975.  I can’t wait to see how technology grows and changes in the rest of my life!


Facebook or Twitter?

Facebook.  I’m not consistent enough for Twitter, though every now and again I make an effort!


Tell us something about you nobody knows….

Well, none of you probably know that I’m a triplet…was born in Singapore, raised in Guam and Australia.  I moved to the US for college and here I’ve stayed (for now)!