
Geek Audit: WiFi Map – Find Free WiFi When You’re On The Go!

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  To Leave, or not to leave?

           When WiFi is the Question.

Everyone knows that feeling before a trip or when you might have the chance to work from home for the day… You know you have so much to do, but that little devil on your shoulder insists on having fun! You’ve got it! Why not work at your favorite coffee shop or cozy cafe. Why not go BIG and sit by the hotel pool or beachside taco shop?! Sounds like a dream office! Why not? WiFi is why not.

Most of us don’t have the ability to be our own hotspots. There is also a big lack in hotspot access from business to consumer. Though there are many experts and research showing this is a “No-brainer“, we haven’t reached that point where we can have our cake and eat it too!

Or have we?

 Wifi MapsWiFi Maps is the latest App offering you CAKE you can eat! (The largest WiFi community) The App is FREE. Once downloaded you can check out your favorite destination’s WiFi capabilities. Simply open the App and view the map which shows you all  available hot spots in that area. Or, you can search by location type if you know the best environment for those creative juices to kick into full Getting it done modeOther features offered: Maps and List views with passwords & comments for Wifi, A social collaborative community that allows everyone to add hotspots, Worldwide functionality, and the ability to share with your friends.

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If you have been using Wifi Maps we would love to hear your comments below! Questions? We would love to to find the answers. Reviews make us happy too! A better app? Share the love!

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